north emiheg

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disclaimer: these maps should be considered perpetually unfinished. i will update/make changes whenever i feel like it


the name emiheg comes from the ancient waptokan word 'heèmiŋaiak' meaning "south", referring to much of the continent being situated to the south of yafu. it originally applied to the area of xesfar and over time the meaning spread to cover the whole continent.


north emiheg is the second largest continent on notasami at 31 million square kilometres, making up the northern half of emiheg, the largest landmass on notasami. the continent is surrounded by the eastern ocean to the east, the northern ocean to the north, and the western ocean to the west. the border between north and south emiheg is usually roughly considered to follow the southern edge of the rumosak plateau and the sosauh river.


the climate of north emiheg ranges mostly from tropical to arid and subtropical.

the western coast of north emiheg is particularly less tropical as a result of its altitude with the konataskir plateau displaying an almost subarctic climate.

much of the low-lying interior consists of a savannah which culminates in the largest rainforest on notasami to the south, the sosauh forest.

yafu on the other hand, is mostly desert in the interior, with its coastal areas being more humid.

countries & territories

zohtim344,121,1233,561,154 km²
gutonim221,039,7722,133,202 km²
(tbd) - -


the history of northern emiheg is usually divided into the following periods:



north emiheg is home to several language families and isolates. over 500 languages are estimated to be spoken, most notably including anachek and zohti. major language families include konataskiran in the west, yafukan in the northeast, farxariman in the centre, and kunafkan in the southeast.


the vast majority of north emiheg follows kekataki bunapumism. irreligious people form the second largest proportion, and the third are kanma bunapum mainly in the southwest. berumaki bunapumism can also be found alongside the southern edge of the continent, and various other denominations of bunapumism are found all across, mostly in yafu.

there are also several minorities as a product of recent migration from ex-colonial regions, chief among them terenism and keridism.


the most populous country in north emiheg is zohtim with over 344 million people. all countries in north emiheg have populations over 1 million people, and eleven countries have more than 100 million people.

the largest metropolitan areas in north emiheg include hanete, nakif, and sirui. the three of these have populations exceeding 15 million people, and seven more have more than 10 million people, making them megacities. hanete is the second largest urban area in notasami.

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