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disclaimer: these maps should be considered perpetually unfinished. i will update/make changes whenever i feel like it


the origin of the name pogalaki comes from its namak name 'pōgelaki', most likely meaning "ashen", referring either to its deserts or volcanic activity.


pogalaki is the second smallest continent on notasami at 14 million square kilometres, located between emiheg and rundanuyi. the continent is surrounded by the southern ocean to the southwest and the eastern ocean to the northeast, separated from rundanuyi by the strait of rundanu.


pogalaki is a mostly arid continent.

the north coast is dominated by the pugana mountain range, which hosts some more humid, temperate areas.

the southwestern coast of pogalaki is also relatively temperate, transitioning to a more subarctic climate at the southern tip.

the dolongi island chain to the north is also considered to be part of pogalaki. the islands are tropical and many are humid, hosting various rainforests.

countries & territories

niloyi54,366,2061,295,623 km²
(tbd) - -


the history of pogalaki is usually divided into the following periods:



the three most important language families native to pogalaki are the pevechelan and bembusan families along the northern coast and the kunesu languages in the interior. in the southern half of the continent anachek dominates as the most widely spoken language, and to a lesser extent kerzan, though many minority languages are still spoken. it is estimated that there are some 140 languages spoken in pogalaki.


the northern coast pogalaki is dotted with several ancient denominations of bunapunism, having gradually spread from emiheg during the tacane period. similarly, terenism has also managed to spread into pogalaki, mostly on the northeastern coast. in the interior and the west, the indigenous kunesu faith is highly dominant.

in the south, kekataki bunapunism is most prevalent thanks to colonialism, and in the southwest southern bunapunism in particular also has a significant presence.


the most populous country in pogalaki is niloyi with over 54 million people. all countries in pogalaki have populations over 1 million people, and ten countries have more than 10 million people.

the largest metropolitan areas in pogalaki include lupas, petumsuris, cal, and malpapi. the four of these have populations exceeding 5 million people.

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