south emiheg

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the name emiheg comes from the ancient waptokan word 'heèmiŋaiak' meaning "south", referring to much of the continent being situated to the south of yafu. it originally applied to the area of xesfar and over time the meaning spread to cover the whole continent.


south emiheg is the fourth largest continent on notasami at 25 million square kilometres, making up the southern half of emiheg, the largest landmass on notasami. the continent is surrounded by the western ocean to the northwest, and the southern ocean to the southeast. the border between north and south emiheg is usually roughly considered to follow the southern edge of the rumosak plateau and the sosauh river.


the climate of south emiheg is mostly arid and subarctic.

the northern border ranges from subtropical to temperate, the latter due to mountainous terrain.

the low-lying eastern half has an arid interior, surrounded by subtropical coasts.

the western half is very mountainous: from low to high altitudes the climate ranges from arid to temperate to subarctic.

the southern coast is dominated by tundra, with taiga in the interior.

countries & territories

bizoyi195,624,737 8,656,958 km²
histatinyi168,341,7891,722,774 km²
loraneyi292,705,261 1,049,877 km²
(tbd) - -


the history of southern emiheg is usually divided into the following periods:



the two main language families of south emiheg are the katawan family and the kunafkan family. histatin is also a major language in the north, but the rest of the histatinan languages are usually considered to be located in north emiheg. numerous smaller indigenous families may also be found. it is estimated that over 300 languages are spoken in south emiheg.


the largest religion in south emiheg is southern bunapunism, found throughout the interior and southeastern coast. in the centre, around meksu, sioros is the dominant faith, and along the border with north emiheg berumaki bunapunism dominantes, especially in histatinyi. traditional folk religion is common along the northwest coast, and irreligion is also common, especially in the northeast and around loraneyi.


the most populous country in south emiheg is loraneyi with over 290 million people. all countries in south emiheg have populations over 1 million people, and eight countries have more than 100 million people.

the largest metropolitan areas in south emiheg include yonkobo, putecu, kezewag, qassomaki and pomolon. the five of these have populations exceeding 10 million people, making them megacities.

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